Origami House

Get creative decorating the origami house, or make a whole bunch of them to create a miniature village. 🙂 Bonus: Add a ghost, and you’ve got yourself an instant haunted house for Halloween. YES, Halloween! It’s coming sooner than you know it! 😉

Written Instructions

Note: Written instructions are meant to be general guidelines. Please refer to video tutorial above for more detailed instructions. 🙂


  • One square sheet (in this video: 3″ x 3″)

Written Instructions

1. Fold square paper in half, crease it in. Unfold.

origami house OrigamiTree.com
2. Fold bottom and top sides along horizontal center crease.
origami house OrigamiTree.com origami house OrigamiTree.com
3. Flip unit over.
origami house OrigamiTree.com
4. Fold in half, vertically. Unfold.
origami house OrigamiTree.com origami house OrigamiTree.com
5. Fold right side to vertical center crease. Repeat on the left side.
origami house OrigamiTree.com origami house OrigamiTree.com
6. Open top-left corner, push outwards, flatten to form a triangle shape.
 origami house OrigamiTree.com  origami house OrigamiTree.com
7. Repeat on the top-right side.
 origami house OrigamiTree.com

8. Flip unit over and decorate! 🙂

Be sure to watch the video tutorial if you need additional instructions, and to SUBSCRIBE on YouTube! Have fun!

 origami house OrigamiTree.com

One thought on “Origami House

  1. Pingback: NEW! Written Instructions & Still Images | OrigamiTree.com

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