UNBOXING: Origami Color Paper Assortment Megapack

Thought I would do an unboxing video on the “Origami Color Paper Assortment Megapack,” which I purchased from Michaels Stores. It’s a 300-sheet pack, so plenty for you to fold and play around with! ๐Ÿ™‚ I would say this is as “basic” and “starter-kit” as you can get at a fair price.

** Link to Purchase ($11.99): http://www.michaels.com/origami-color-paper-assortment-megapack/10463827.html#q=origami+paper&start=3

** Coupons: RetailMeNot.com (or Michaels’ Facebook Page: Facebook.com/Michaels)

P.S. Sorry the audio/video is so poor – this is an older video that I’m archiving on YouTube.

Note: Video is NOT sponsored. All opinions are my own.