Behind-the-Scenes: Meeting Skye & Sapphire

Tonight, I had the opportunity to teach my first origami student from the UK! Here’s Skye, and her sister, Sapphire. Some of you probably recognize them – but if you don’t, go and check out their music! They have some serious talent, and I’ve been a fan of the sisters for a while now.

I went to the Bitter End to hear Sapphire perform live. It was her first performance in the USA, and I knew I had to be there. I wasn’t expecting to find that they also watch my videos on YouTube! How awesome is that!? I have fans, LOL!

Skye, especially, was going on about how she watched all my videos, and how she attempted to fold the modular bird, “Tweet,” but couldn’t quite get it. She told me that she loved them all! It was so adorable, and she was just lovely. It was the first time hearing such amazing feedback from a fellow YouTuber in real life!

I decided I would fold them a little surprise immediately following the concert: Two $1.25 hearts. Oh, and I went out during intermission to buy two stuffed animals, too. They won my heart, what can I say? 😉 And I think they deserve to feel special.

Upon presenting the girls with their gifts, Skye asked me to teach her how to make the $1.25 heart, so, of course, I did! I was more than happy to do so. We did the lesson at 16 Handles. Yum! 🙂

sapphire2  sapphire1