Behind-the-Scenes: Giveaway Winners Announced!

The winners of the giveaways have been announced! Go check on YouTube to see if you’ve won! And if not this time, then maybe next time. I will have more giveaways in the future, no worries. Just make sure to subscribe to hear about them! I think I might do one during the holidays – Decemeber-ish. It just seems like the best time to host another one. What do you think? 🙂

Oh, and be on the look out for this Standing Origami Heart! I plan to film the tutorial this weekend so that it can be published in November. 🙂

Things are getting really busy now – have been trying hard to keep a healthy balance between work-work, Origami-work, and just life in general!

brians standing heart origami origamitree
Designed by Brians Tjipto Meidianto
Folded by Jenny W Chan